Monday, October 31, 2005

Staying in CA for a while

To be sure they knock out everything, the doctors have put Amanda on a 14-day antibiotic treatment. She is now 3-4 days into the treatment and will stay in CA until the treatment is done and she is completely recovered.

Please continue to pray for Amanda, Susan, and Dan.



At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will continue to keep Amanda in our thoughts and prayers.

The DeGrootes in Wilmington

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Danny and Susan

I've been checking the blog to see how Amanda has been progressing. I realize she has had a little set back, but I'm sure the end results will be good. She looks and sounds like she is a bundle of life. Once she is back to normal I'm sure she will be giving the both of you a run for your money. I know she will continue to do well. It is always difficult to see our little ones go through so much when they can't express their feelings. Your faith in God and family support will help you all get through these trying times. Give Amanada lots of hugs and kisses from all of us. We hope to see you all vacationing in Florida in the near future.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
Maxine & Sonny, Debbie & Lauren, Michelle, Beau, Tyler & Garrett

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan and Susan,

I have just found out about the blog, but we have kept all of you in our prayers.

Keep your faith strong as you have.


Steve, Dixie, Walker, Marie


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