Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amanda walked 8 steps independently tonight

It seems as though the flurry of seizures over the past month or so have cleared out some cobwebs in Amanda's head. She walked 8 steps totally untouched tonight, as well as 6-7 steps several other times throughout the day. Go Amanda go! Here's to hoping those seizures stay away and that this little wonder girl continues to develop and improve. Her NC neurologist felt like it is a possibility that the seizures coming back after 6 years might just be some fluke caused by a "perfect storm" so-to-speak and that we might get control of them and not see them again for a while (hopefully never). Wouldn't that be a wonderful outcome? I know that is not the "typical" viewpoint of all the doctors but why not be optimistic :). God works miracles every day and Amanda has been one since before she was born, so let's choose to expect the best possible outcome for her. Love to all! Good night and God Bless!


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